About me

Roy Moss is a freelance photographer based in Oslo, Norway. He was born in 1979 and holds a degree from Bilder Nordic School of Photography.

With over ten years’ experience in the IT industry, Roy brings a diverse set of technical skills to the fantastic world of photography. His further background in management and entrepreneurship is reflected in his determination, commitment, and knack in relating with his subjects.

In addition to working as a photographer, Roy runs a popular concept studio, Studio Metro, offering rental on a monthly and hourly basis. See www.studiometro.no for more info.

He is also founder of the corporate photography concept Fototeket which specializes in helping companies building image and brand through the use of images.

Roy’s photos have been on print in the Norwegian magazines Elle, Det Nye Shape-Up, Kamille, VG, LedernyttKK, Alt for damene, Allers, PlussTid and Bedre Helse. He also took the cover and inside photos for the book Inger Lises Hemmeligheter (Inger Lise’s Secrets) – about the Norwegian artist, singer and actress Inger Lise Rypdal (Kagge Forlag 2012).

He is open to all kinds of assignments, and happy to come up with ideas for original visual concepts.